Managing multiple analytics providers across different layers in app led to code complexity and maintenance challenges. We addressed this by creating a unified API, simplifying event tracking, and streamlining the codebase, making it more scalable and easier to manage.
Hari Vignesh Articles.
Faster decision-making and bringing the team together on the same page
Function composition Function composition is a technique to compose a function using multiple functions. This will allow us to achieve the following. If you would like to learn more about function composition or functional programming, you can refer the following …
Currying Function This is the fourth part of the functional programming series. If you have missed the previous one, start here. Series pit stops In this pit stop, we’ll take a brief look at how we write or represent currying functions …
Function Composition This is the third part of the functional programming series. If you have missed the previous one, start here. Series pit stops In this pit stop, we’ll briefly examine how to compose functions. Pre-requisites Mathematical Composition In our first …
This is the second part of the functional programming series. If you have missed the previous one, start here. Series pit stops In this pit stop, we’ll take a brief look at how we write or represent a function in Kotlin. …